La nostra Azienda

Certificazioni: UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 - UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 - UNI ISO 45001:2018

About Us

Più di 30 anni di esperienza nel settore delle pulizie

Trent’anni di esperienza e competenza nel fornire ad aziende, privati ed enti pubblici, servizi di di pulizia civile ed industriale, logistica, trasporto e facchinaggio, giardinaggio, disinfestazione, derattizzazione, sanificazione, vigilanza non armata, portierato, prelievo, trasporto e consegna di documenti e titoli. I vantaggi di usufruire di servizi esterni favorisce l’ottimizzazione della gestione di attività che non rientrano strettamente nelle attività principali di un'azienda o ente.

La vasta gamma di servizi offerti dalla nostra azienda MC Servizi S.r.l. ci rende un partner unico e completo per i nostri clienti.


Ci impegniamo a rimanere il partner storico di riferimento nel campo dei servizi di pulizia e di supporto integrati per i settori industriale e civile. Contattaci!


Soddisfiamo tempestivamente ed in maniera professionale tutte le esigenze dei nostri clienti pubblici e privati. Puntualità, qualità, affidabilità e trasparenza. Visione

Our Team

Cleaning Company is a minority owned business with a large group of specially trained, dedicated employees to provide professional service with a personal touch.

Our Values

Our goal is Your satisfaction (of course after our cleaning work). Office Phone works around the clock (24/7).

Client oriented

We serve our clients as if we were serving ourselves. We value their feedback and we use it to improve our work.

Eco-Friendly Oriented

We carefully choose the best and most natural cleaning products that give amazing results.

Expansion / Growth

We make ourselves known in the community; we create long term relations, while constantly expanding. Therefore, we are always bringing in more people to work for us.

History of Cleaning Company

Providing house and offices cleaning services for more than 10 years

The Cleaning Company is widely recognized for our commitment to serving our customers while staying friendly to the environment. We have a history of excellence and dedication to our clients, providing professional and high-quality house cleaning services across America.

Franchising began in 1996 and has grown to include more than 215 locations across North America.

The Cleaning Company is widely recognized for our commitment to serving our customers while staying friendly to the environment. We have a history of excellence and dedication to our clients, providing professional and quality house cleaning services across America.

This quality commitment and reputation for excellent service attracted outside investors. In 2014, the company announced a majority acquisition by PNC Riverarch Capital. This exciting change didn’t mean a complete overhaul:

The management team did not change and Steve continued on in his leadership position with the Board of Directors. We are excited to announce a new era of growth for both new and existing units under the guidance of PNC.